It appears to have been started by Okoto Enigma. At least this is the information I am copying
The above description of the award for which I was nominated humbles me. I was nominated for this award by please go check her out. I love her sometimes whimsical and sometimes poignant posts. I especially enjoyed her post: The face of homelessness. So thank you Teddy (I KNOW IT WAS REALLY YOU WHO NOMINATED ME).
Put the award logo/image on your blog.
List the rules.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny
Share a link to your best post(s).QUESTIONS ASKED OF ME: 1. If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be? Who's buying? Lol. So many choices. Ralph Waldo Emerson because I love his work Max Lucada because I love his spirit My grandmother, who passed away a few years ago because I miss her. 2. If you could change the world how would you change it? Wow. I would do my best to bring people together to promote understanding and decrease hateful rhetoric, which grows and testers leading to violence. 3. What is your dream job? To write novels. Until then, I love being a social worker, it is truly my calling. 4. What advice would you give the generation to come? Expand your world and see how you can make a difference. 5. If you could walk a mile in anyone's shoes for the day, who would it be? Mother Theresa. How ashamed and humbled I would be, but spurred to do more! THREE FACTS ABOUT ME 1. I love to sing. Have sung with a band before 2. My dog Juno is a spoiled rotten black lab, but she is my world. 3. I am a Huge college football fan. I graduated from the University of Alabama as did my daughter, so of course I pull for the Crimson Tide! MY NOMINATIONS I have been reading so many good bloggers post, the choice was extremely difficult! But here they are: Overloadedemotions Patrickstories Thealvarezchronicles B CarlosSP Forresting365 A.P.Christopher Godswarrior Thegodlychicdiaries Nicolejoanblog MY QUESTIONS FOR YOU I am repeating the questions I posed in the LIEBSTER Award as I loved getting on a deeper level 1. Who was an early influencer in your life
2. How did you realize you wanted to become a writer
3. Do you prefer writing poetry or prose
4. Who is your favorite poet?
5. What is the hardest barrier for you to overcome in order to write your blog?
6. What Current social crisis is near to your heart? (You feel strongly about).
7. What would you like to be remembered for most when you are gone?
8. Why did you start a blog?
The best post in my series, in my opinion, is The Servant Heart because it truly is the underlying reason we help others.
Again, thank you Teddy!