After the pain
The tears
The cries for momma
You lie in a strange bed
In a strange room
In a strange house
With strangers.
Your mind reaches out for truth
Desperately clawing at memories past
Seeking the answer to your only question
What did I Do?
You were ripped from your mother's arm
As you screamed out her name
The echoes still reverberating
In your heart.
She didn't respond
Reach back
Call out to you.
She just kept on sleeping.
The lady was nice
In this strange home.
They told you
you were safe
You would be ok
They would take care of you
The lady was nice
But she was not your mom
You look at the window
Watching the sun sink
Into the horizon
And you knew at that moment
You would never go home
Angela McClintock 2018Reposted from The Things I Have Seen.